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AlmaLinux Day: Tokyo recap, announcing AlmaLinux Day: Germany, and more!

benny Vasquez

Chair, AlmaLinux OS Foundation

Last December we hosted the very first AlmaLinux Day in Tokyo. As a user-focused event that brought together our community from all over Japan, this wildly successful event focused on the needs and desires of the open source community in Japan. We had nearly 100 attendees and 7 speakers from different industries.

The Talks

We had 7 presentations throughout the day, either presented in English with real-time translation to Japanese, or in Japanese. The videos are all on YouTube, but I also describe them a bit below.

AlmaLinux: Built to Last

benny Vasquez - Chair @ AlmaLinux OS Foundation
language: english with translations to Japanese

We kicked off the day with me presenting a bit about how AlmaLinux got started and what we’ve been up to since then, to make sure that everyone attending had the same base understanding to start with.

The Real Backstory of the Enterprise Linux Community

Igor Seletskiy - CEO @ Tuxcare Inc.
language: english with translations to Japanese

Igor Seletskiy followed me and took us through the history of enterprise linux starting all the way back in 1993, and discussed the love that he has for the enterprise linux ecosystem.

AlmaLinux Community Activities in Japan

Yohei Suzuki - Cybertrust Japan
language: Japanese

Yohei Suzuki wrapped up our keynotes by sharing the efforts that he and our partners at Cybertrust have been helping us with in Japan.

Building AlmaLinux OS

Andrew Lukoshko - AlmaLinux OS Architect @ CloudLinux
language: english with translations to Japanese

Andrew Lukushko kicked off one of our technical tracks discussing how we go about building AlmaLinux OS in detail. He covered everything from how we decide where to get our code, to how we build our images.

The Evolution of SBOMs in AlmaLinux

Matthias Kruk - AlmaLinux and MIRACLE LINUX Developer @ Cybertrust Japan
language: Japanese

Matthias Kruk has been working on our SBOM support for quite a while, and he covered a lot of the history and where the community might take the implementation next.

The Forefront of AlmaLinux on ARM: AlmaLinux 9 on the HPE ProLiant RL300 Gen11 Server

Masazumi Koga - OpenSource/Linux Technology Evangelist @ Hewlett Packard Japan, G.K.

Masazumi Koga presents for us the use of AlmaLinux on an HPE server, and showcases the ease with which he is able to install and configure AlmaLinux for the use case.

Seamless Migration: Transitioning from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux

Kimiyoshi Ohno - OSS Laboratory general manager @ DesigNET Inc.
language: Japanese

Kimiyoshi Ohno’s presentation takes us through the entire process of moving to AlmaLinux, including a discussion of why you should choose AlmaLinux and case studies of the transition.

Up Next: AlmaLinux Day: Germany

If you missed us at AlmaLinux Day: Tokyo, I have good news! We’re working on another event in Germany in March, and one in Raleigh, North Carolina in October! While the details for October are still being nailed down, I am excited to announce that AlmaLinux Day: Germany will be March 18th, and will be adjacent to one of our favorite events: CloudFest.

The schedule includes speakers from the AlmaLinux community, and will cover everything from VFX to HPC to people using AlmaLinux as an upstream provider – from all over the world. The first bit of information can be found on the AlmaLinux Day: Germany page.

AlmaLinux Day Germany Schedule

Tickets to AlmaLinux Day are free, but with 8,000 attendees at CloudFest, we’re sure to fill up our 300 seats! Register early and save your spot, and bring a friend!

CloudFest: the intro

In case you aren’t already familiar with CloudFest, this is their description:

The world’s largest cloud industry event is ready to once again take over a spectacular European amusement park to facilitate new partnerships, deep knowledge sharing, and the best parties the industry has ever seen. We do this because we love technology, we love people, and we’re excited for the possibilities that emerge when brilliant human beings connect.

Even more events this year!

This week we’ll be at both CentOS Connect and FOSDEM to see all of our friends, and I’ll be attending SOOCon in London directly after. We will have booths at a bunch of other events later this year, too, and we’d love to have you join us! So far this year we will be participating in all of these:

If you can dedicate at least 1/2 of the event to staffing a booth at any of the events below, fill out this Google form! We’ll cover your travel and hotel, and you’ll get a per-diem to help offset your food and assorted travel-related costs.

Keep in touch!

If you want to stay up-to-date, here’s where to stay tuned on our forum, Reddit, X, Mastodon, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube. We also launched a newsletter this year, which you can subscribe to on LinkedIn or via email on our mailing list.