General Availability of AlmaLinux 9.4 Stable and AlmaLinux 8.10 Beta ready for testing! Checkout AlmaLinux OS 9.4 Stable e AlmaLinux OS 8.10 beta

AlmaLinux OS 8.4 Stable Now Available

Jack Aboutboul


Hey, what are you doing for Memorial Day? Heading out of town? Having a few friends over (that used to be a thing once upon a time)? How about having yourself a good old fashioned installfest? That’s right! The AlmaLinux OS Foundation is proud to announce the release of AlmaLinux OS 8.4 Stable. Available now on a mirror near you! Download a fresh copy and then join us to talk about it.


Production Release

Thanks to the community for the thousands of downloads of AlmaLinux OS 8.3, all your valuable feedback, bug reports and most of all your contributions. We’re proud to announce the availability of AlmaLinux OS 8.4 just one short week following the release of RHEL 8.4*. This is a production ready, stable release and ready to power all your computing needs and workloads.

Release Notes and More Information

You can read more about it by checking out the Release Notes. The biggest change you’ll notice is that the #1 most requested feature, Secure Boot, is now fully supported in this release. Other changes include OpenSCAP support, the release of a devel repo and some new module streams and some compiler updates. You can also find a link to the upstream release notes there, which will provide you with a complete list of changes and updates to this release. Please stay tuned for the ARM beta release coming REALLY SOON.

Join the Community!

AlmaLinux is more than just software, there’s a whole community of dedicated people making the magic happen. You can help. Join us on our AlmaLinux Community Chat, sponsored by our good friends at Mattermost, to get involved, ask for help or just meet fellow community members. Send us your Pull Requests on GitHub. Report any bugs that you might stumble upon on the Bug Tracker. You can also ask a question on our 8.4 Stable Forum or post something on our AlmaLinux Community on Reddit.

A Very Special Thank You to Our Sponsors and Supporters.

The AlmaLinux OS Foundation would like to thank our gracious sponsors who made this release and every other release possible. You can find a full list of sponsors and supporters on the AlmaLinux Home Page. We can all help builder a better world and a better open source ecosystem when we support each other. With every new release comes a rush of traffic as the bits get spread throughout the world to our over 100! mirrors. We’d like especially thank our dear friends at HiVelocity for providing hosting and bandwidth for our primary rsync mirror. Please check them out for all your hosting needs.*Red Hat and RHEL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Legally, we wanted you to know that.